Urban Initiatives

Greater Evangelical is embarking on new areas of Ministry as we seek to improve and expand existing programs under our Urban Initiatives components.

  • Crime Prevention: “Another Way”
    Identifies and makes available programs that reduce crime and lower recidivism rates for past offenders. In the long term, we will witness visible transformation within families and communities as individuals learn to successfully navigate positive, alternate routes to securing food, shelter, clothing, inclusion, and acceptance
    Offered through Outreach
    Director: Ramel Reed
    Committee Includes: Serving Sons & Men of Integrity

  • Economic Development: “Higher Me”
    Our mission is to identify and make available programs that result in new jobs being created, and provide job training. In the long term, we will witness visible transformation within families and communities as individuals are given the means and the tools to achieve a living wage.
    Offered during: School of Ministry
    Director: K. Daniel Reed
    Committee Includes: Interviewing Skills / Resume’ Writing / Administrative Skills

  • Education: “Staffs” (“Strengthening the Academic Fundamentals For Success”)
    To identify and make available programs that focus on giving individuals equal access to an excellent education. In the long term, we will witness visible transformation within families and communities as men, women, and children as empowered with the ultimate prerequisite to success – a good education.
    Offered 2-3 times per week
    Director: Dean of Education, Patricia Booker
    Committee Includes: Adult Bible Study / Youth School of Ministry – ages 3-18 / Girl Power & Serving Sons (ages 9-13), Tutoring

  • Family: “Focus On The Family”
    To empower the overall growth and well-being of the family by promoting access to resources that will provide and develop the capacity for a sustainable future.
    Offered during established classes and additional learning times
    Director: Kharon Bell
    Committee Includes: Girl Power / Serving Sons / Women of Purpose / Men of Integrity

  • Financial Literacy “It’s In Your Wallet”
    Identifies and makes available programs that result in enlightened individuals who Earn, Save, Invest, and Spend Wisely. In the long term, we will witness visible transformation within families and communities as individuals learn to develop and execute sound long term financial plans focused on creating, growing, and managing wealth.
    Offered on 4th Thursdays
    Director: Erma Reed
    Committee Includes: Adults & Youth

Additionally we offer Training & Mentoring Services: in different areas of our ministry services. Training in such fields as Video Technology, Audio Technology, Music (voice), Music (instrumentals), Dance, as well as Vocations such as carpetry, building trades, etc.